You will never know true happiness
until you have truly loved,
and you will never understand
what pain really is
until you have lost it.
போகாதே போகாதே நீ இருந்தால் நான் இருப்பேன் ! ! ! !
போகாதே போகாதே நீ பிரிந்தால் நான் இறப்பேன் ! ! ! !
போகாதே போகாதே நீ பிரிந்தால் நான் இறப்பேன் ! ! ! !
படம்: தீபாவளி
பாடல்: போகாதே
பாடல்: போகாதே
He was a Photographer, A freelancer, he loves to take pictures that usually others wont notice and may not find interesting too..
But He really loves taking such photos and he claims that those are real portraits of life and those that are pictured when posed is just a mere snap but not a photo with life..
I agreed to his argument.. Do You ? ? ? Well lets continue his love tale..
It was a Dull day of September,Climate was good, he started about 5 in the morning and was searching for a right moment to freeze it in his camera..
The Clock reminded him that the time has reached 6, He heard a foot step approaching in distance, he was not interested, but yet, he walked a few steps off the way and stood leaning on a tree...
After 30 seconds, he saw her, She was slim, tall to reach his shoulders, was wearing a sports track suit and was listening to her i-pod and was humming along with that, the moment she reached beneath a tree which had lots of dew drops and flowers ready to fall, somehow, the soft blowing wind shook the tree along with the football hit by a kid, the tree showered her with the dew drops and flowers....
He was checking his camera for a better zoom function and captured the moment of joy, her smile, her blushed cheeks, sudden shock of flowers falling on her and more and more and more.....
He froze all those her reactions in his camera and wanted to take more pictures..
She took the football that created the shower of flowers and gave that to the kid with a beautiful smile..
She then took a break from jogging and walked inside the near by Park and started some warm-up.. All her reactions were caught by him and treasured in his memory card...
He followed her silently and found her apartment she stayed and took a day to find some thing more about her...
She likes Cold Coffee with Hot Brownie, Diary milk, Milk Sweets, to listen melody songs, reading comics, he developed interest to become a friend of hers...
He started jogging everyday at the same route she went on daily and slowly they became friends.. She spoke a lot about photos and Movies and she was the way exactly he wanted his girl to be..
He gifted her an envelope and asked her to open it when she is alone, Puzzled she did what he asked to find her Favorite comics in that...
Her Joy was boundless, she knew how hard would it have been for him get that one since she herself had failed many a times for that..
She called him to thank him, then started their sweet nothings.. special moments, they found they had a lot of things in common interest, they did share all, he was gifted by her a book with her special smile he wanted and he felt he was blessed with her in his life..
One day, She visited him in his studio where he had all his photos were...
He gave her a special gift, A Photo Album of her photos which he had took from day 1.
She was so happy and was a little angry too..
He figured out that she was a little angry and looked straight in to her Beautiful deep blue eyes and Said,
' Please dont be angry or dont stop talking to me,
I dont have that strong heart to lose you in my life ! ! ! '
Her Eyes showed no tint of anger in it.. Instead it was filled with Joy and Love...
She slowly whispered in a trembling voice,
' How Can I be angry with you? I can be angry even with GOD, but not not with you...'
His joy knew no bound... He was so happy and had no words to tell her about it..
It was just a two drop of tears to others who saw, but it was enough for her to understand how happy he was....
They were very happy and then came the black day of their life..
She was playing with her sister's kids at her home and the day was Deepavali... The day which brings many people happiness brought him the most tragic news of his life...
Deepavali gave him vali, Pain..
She lost her eyesight in a accident when she had to save the kid from bursting crackers..
Kid was saved, but she lost her eye sight in that accident....
He was heart broken.... Bursted into tears.....
He cried, cried and he couldn't stop his tears when he saw her eyes covered with bandage..
He stayed with her for the next two months till recovered from her wounds and she was told that she is undergoing a surgery which would retain her vision back....
After the surgery, The first face she wanted to see was his, but he was not there, but had left a note to her...
" Honey, No matter what nothing in this earth would explain on my behalf when I took this hard decision of leaving you now..
I can never leave you since you are in my memories forever...
You are in the tender breeze that waves my hair..
You are in the glass of water which I drink...
You are always with me.. Forever and Ever..
I had to leave you for your good..
Please dont be Mad at me SweetHeart you know i Cant bear it"
"Love You SweetHeart, I Love You ! ! ! "
She was confused to the core... She had nothing on this earth to console her..
Never even her Mom and Dad would've taken care of her like him when she was in darkness..
She was not able to understand why did he did this to her...
Her Eye Surgeon was his Best Friend and she begged to tell her where he is..
The surgeon was unable to control his tears but he said nothing to her...
She was crazy, she went mad, she was something..
She wanted very badly to find him..
She Started her quest of finding him, the one who owns her heart and her Love..
She travelled North to South, South to East, East to North and North to west and finally she went to a remote hill village once he went to take some photos of Wild Butterflies...
The next day was Valentines Day, She was walking on the muddy roads Searching for him...
In Quite a distance of vision the road was covered with mist and fog, She could listen to a heavy breathing of a Dog and a soft voice of a man wishing,
Happy Valentines day SweetHeart... Happy Valentines day ! ! !
She was able to recognize that voice instantly and she can do that though it sounds even among 1000 other voices were speaking...
Its his voice... She knew...
She ran Like a Crazy deer, as if chased by a Tiger and stood in front of him and her shock on seeing him had no words to explain....
He was wearing the Same Black Spectacles which she wore when she had lost her vision....
The Dog was his guide and he was living alone after giving her his Eyes...
She couldn't stop crying, but he was able to know who was standing in front of him..
She then Understood, that He walked off her life since she may feel guilty about his eyes being transplanted to her with the help of his surgeon friend...
She hugged him and they had no words to speak.....
Their Love Spoke for them...
You will never know true happiness
until you have truly loved,
and you will never understand
what pain really is
until you have lost it.
Thank God ! ! !
They Didn't lose their Love for each other..
Whereas It gets deeper and deeper every minute and then ....
no words to comment yaar....the story speaks itself....i being a mushy kinnda person njoyed readin each & evry line....especially these lines
You will never know true happiness
until you have truly loved,
and you will never understand
what pain really is
until you have lost it.
Thank God ! ! !
They Didn't lose their Love for each other..
Whereas It gets deeper and deeper every minute and then ....
ur endin was nice...i've read an similar story like dis but the endin was diffrent, dis was the endin i thought of while reading tat story.......it was heart touching & romantic toooo...
keep posting more:)
Bhavani eshu
thanx a lot for ur info on SAP...s i wanna the institues in chennai only, take ur own time, no hurry at all.
Bhavani eshu
Phew!! That was too good! :)
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